Different Types of White Papers & When to Use Which

types of white papers

In my last post we went over what a white paper is, but did you know there are different types that you can use? A white paper is a company’s communication point and how they sell themselves to the customer – very important. It is helpful to evaluate your situation to decide which type is the best to create. Generally speaking, there are three types of white papers: the backgrounder, the numbered list, and the problem/solution. Let’s look at each of them a little bit closer, shall we?

Your 3 Main Types of White Papers

The Backgrounder

The backgrounder is exactly what it sounds like: it gives background information and key points about a certain product or situation. The idea of this type of white paper is to educate the reader. Imagine for a moment that you are a company that is trying to sell a novel, one-of-a-kind product. Why should people buy from you if they have no experience or previous knowledge in what you’re selling? This is where the backgrounder helps in various industries.

white paper

The Numbered List

According to Compose.ly’s post about white papers, a numbered list can be used for:

  • Answering common product questions
  • Tips for your audience to better a situation they are struggling with
  • Simply explaining what the customer can gain from your product, the benefits

This is known as the quickest white paper to create and likely not one you would use for a complex subject. A few title examples could be: “5 Ways to Increase Online Audience Engagement” or “6 Benefits to Using a Home Security System”.

Notice how both of these titles don’t include a new, state-of-the-art product. They do offer solutions to problems, but not a specific benefit from one product, just multiple quick and easy ways to go about fixing a known problem.

The Problem/Solution

Probably my favourite type of white paper, the problem/solution white paper places a known industry issue in front of the reader and lays out in detail how to solve it with their product. I like to think of it as a superhero swooping in to save the day.

Known as an expert in his field, white paper writer Gordon Graham says that the problem/solution white paper will “generate more leads than any other flavor” and that this type of white paper lasts the longest. Here, Mr. Graham uses ice cream flavors to metaphorically explain our three different types of white papers.

The reason why they are so useful and long-lasting, Mr. Graham explains, is because “as long as anyone in the industry is still struggling with that problem, that white paper will remain relevant”.

That’s All, Folks!

There is some information about the most commonly used white papers, now it is up to you to evaluate your situation to decide which white paper will work best for your project!


Calling all content marketers and copywriters: do you have a favourite type of white paper to create? How about to read? Do you have any other lesser known or sub-genre types of white papers to mention? Share in the comments!