Starting Your Own Business: When to Take the Leap and What Happens After

starting your own business

Sometimes you just need to take the plunge in starting your business.

Not many things in life will test your self-confidence more than starting your own business. Think about it: in the beginning, it’s just you and no one else. You’re the one that has to keep showing up in order to make it successful and sometimes, it takes a long time. I’m talking a long time. But you know what? It’s worth it when you look back and see the path you’ve created behind you and all the things you’ve made possible. You may be at the beginning steps and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel already but you ask yourself: “when should I really go for it”?

starting your own business
Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

So, How Do You Know When to Start Your Business?

Stop Waiting Until You’re “Ready”

Because you never will be. To be blunt, one of my least favourite attributes in someone is the “I’ll do this when” person. For example, “I’ll start my book once I read enough books on how” or “I’ll start my business once I have the time to put all of my efforts in”. Good things happen to people when they prioritize their goals. Do you think that successful people are successful because by luck of the draw, the right time happened for them? No. They are successful because they prioritized and hustled.

There is simply saying that you are starting a business and then there’s doing it. Some serious soul-searching is needed when starting a business so you should ask yourself questions like “why am I doing this”, “what do I want to accomplish from this” and most importantly “what am I going to actively do to reach my goals”. All of that time that you are mentally preparing yourself to begin is a waste of time. You can mentally prepare all you want but you won’t be ready until you jump in.

Sink or Swim

If everyone who did anything great waited until they were “ready”, how many things do you imagine would have been accomplished? I wouldn’t imagine any. We would all be forever stuck in the limbo of “preparing”. Sometimes you just need to take the plunge. Don’t get caught in the illusion that you are doing something when you’re not actually doing anything. It will be scary at first, no doubt about that, but it can also be extremely rewarding.

What Happens After Starting Your Business

Here are a few things that happen to you post-leap:

  • you gain new-found confidence in your abilities
    • starting a business is not for the faint of heart so you should be proud of yourself for taking the plunge!
    • you can make your job title – how does CEO sound?
  • you are constantly a student
    • the amount of lessons you learn when starting your first business is astounding – don’t waste any opportunity to learn
  • you make money
    • maybe not at the first go, but eventually, after hustling enough, you’ll see the fruits of your labours; be patient

What You Should Do Next

Research before starting any business is pivotal but don’t let it consume you to the point where you don’t ever start. Remember you can take small steps each day in getting your business going while also learning how to make the best steps forward.

For more information on the types of content that would benefit your business after starting it (no matter which niche!), check out my posts here and here for more!

Are you thinking of starting your own business? Please feel free to post any questions below. Have you already started a business and have some tips for newbies? We’d love for you to share your journey!